Leading the Way in Advanced Materials Solutions

Plasma Protection

Plasma is a highly ionized gas that can cause damage to materials, surfaces, and electronic components. Plasma protection is an important consideration for many industrial applications where plasma is generated as a byproduct of the manufacturing process. Implementing effective plasma protection to ensure the safety and reliability of the manufacturing process is essential in industries such as semiconductor manufacturing.

Fralock has developed a material solution that is highly effective at protecting equipment from plasma exposure and maintains a rigid strength that enhances the lifetime of the component.

Fralock Materials Include:

  • Teflon Encapsulated Polyimide

Learn About Plasma Protection for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Plasma Protection for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment


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Plasma is a highly ionized gas that can cause damage to materials, surfaces, and electronic components. Plasma protection is an important consideration for many industrial applications where plasma is generated as a byproduct of the manufacturing process.
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PTFE Encapsulated DuPont™ Cirlex